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Dr. rer. nat. Patrick Ferdinand Kotzur


Tel.: +49 541 969-6551

Raum: 15/306
Fachbereich 8: Humanwissenschaften
Lise-Meitner-Straße 3
49074 Osnabrück
Sprechzeiten: n. V.



Since 10/2017 Research Fellow, Developmental and Social Psychology | University of Osnabrück, Germany

03/2019 Doctorate (rer. nat.), Social Psychology | Philipps-University of Marburg, Germany

09/2014 Master of Science, Applied Social Psychology | University of Sussex, UK

09/2013 Bachelor of Arts, Intercultural Relations and Behavior | Jacobs University Bremen, Germany

07/2009 Abitur (High School Diploma) | High School Dietrich-Bonhoeffer Metzingen, Germany


Last update: 12/08/2020

*shared first authorship

Peer reviewed (ordered by recency)

Wagner, U., Kotzur, P. F., & Friehs, M.-T. (in press). Anti-immigrant prejudice and discrimination in Europe. In: C. Tileaga, M. Augoustinos, & K. Durrheim (Eds.). Routledge handbook of prejudice, stereotyping and discrimination. London, UK: Routledge.

Kotzur, P. F., & Wagner, U. (2020). The dynamic relationship between contact opportunities, positive and negative intergroup contact, and prejudice: A longitudinal investigation. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. Advance online publication.

Kotzur, P. F., Veit, S., Namyslo, A., Holthausen, M.-A., Wagner, U., & Yemane, R. (2020). "Society thinks they are cold/incompetent, but I do not": Stereotype content ratings depend on instructions and the social group's location in the stereotype content space. British Journal of Social Psychology. Advance online publication.

Wagner, U., Tachtnoglou, S., Kotzur, P. F., Friehs, M.-T., & Kemmesies, U. (2020). Proportion of foreigners negatively predicts the prevalence of xenophobic hate crimes within German districts. Social Psychology Quarterly, 83(2) 195-205

Kotzur, P. F.*, Friehs, M.-T.*, Asbrock, F., & Van Zalk, M. H. W. (2019). Stereotype content of refugee subgroups in Germany. European Journal of Social Psychology, 49(7), 1344-1358.

Kotzur, P. F.*, Schäfer, S. J.*, & Wagner, U. (2019). Meeting a nice asylum seeker: Intergroup contact changes stereotype content perceptions and associated emotional prejudices, and encourages solidarity-based collective action intentions. British Journal of Social Psychology, 58(2), 668-690.

Kotzur, P. F., Tropp, L. R., & Wagner, U. (2018). Welcoming the unwelcome: How contact shapes contexts of reception for new immigrants in Germany and the United States. Journal of Social Issues, 74(4), 812-832.

Kotzur, P. F., Forsbach, N., & Wagner, U. (2017). Choose your words wisely: Stereotypes, emotions, and action tendencies toward fled people as a function of the group label. Social Psychology, 48, 226-241.

Kotzur, P. F., Torres, C. V., Kedzior, K. K., & Boehnke, K. (2017). Influences on political consumer behavior among university students in Brazil and Germany: The role of core political values and contextual features. International Journal of Psychology, 52(2), 126-135.

Not peer reviewed (ordered by recency)

Wagner, U., Friehs, M.-T., & Kotzur, P. F. (in press). Das Bild der Polzei bei jungen Studierenden [the image of the police among young university students]. Polizei und Wissenschaft.

Wagner, U., Suppmann, A., Siebert, R., Friehs, M.-T., Kotzur, P. F. (2019). Das Image der deutschen Polizei bei jungen Geflüchteten [The image of the German police among young refugees]. Polizei und Wissenschaft, 1, 10-13.

Kotzur, P. F. (2018). Kontakt zwischen Geflüchteten und Einheimischen - wie kann man für die Entspannung von Beziehungen zwischen verschiedenen Bevölkerungsgruppen sorgen? [Contact between refugees and autochthonous – how to achieve positive relations between different societal groups?] Fachnetz Flucht, 1, available at

Wagner, U., & Kotzur, P. F. (2017). Die Fluchtkrise: Sozialpsychologische Analysen und Implikationen [The refuge crisis: Social psychological analyses and implications]. Wissenschaft und Frieden, 2, 19-21.  Link