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Dr. rer. nat. Felix Weber

Institut für Kognitionswissenschaft
Wachsbleiche 27
49090 Osnabrück


Wintersemester 2024/25
Zentrum virtUOS



Weber, F., Dettmer, N., Schurz, K., & Thelen, T. (2022). Building an Educational Social Media Application for Higher Education. In G. Meiselwitz (Ed.), 14th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction. Springer.

Schrumpf, J., Weber, F., Schurz, K., Dettmer, N., & Thelen, T. (2022). A Free and Open Dataset from a Prototypical Data-Driven Study Assistant in Higher Education’’. In Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Computer Supported Education. SCITEPRESS.

Weber, F., & Thelen, T. (2022). Characterizing Personal Educational Goals: Inter-rater Agreement on a Tagset Reveals Domain-Specific Limitations of the External Perspective. In D. Ifenthaler, P. Isaias, & D. G. Sampson (Eds.), Orchestration of Learning Environments in the Digital World (pp. 57–80). Springer International Publishing.

Iwama, G. Y., Weber, F., Prentice, M., & Lieder, F. (2021). Development and Validation of a Goal Characteristics Questionnaire. OSF Preprints.

Katharina Schurz, Johannes Schrumpf, Felix Weber, Maren Lübcke, Funda Seyfeli and Klaus Wannemacher (2021). Towards a User-Focused Development of A Digital Study Assistant Through a Mixed Methods Design, in Sampson, D.G., Ifenthaler, D., Pedro, I., Mascia, M.L. (Eds.), 18th International Conference on Cognition and Exploratory Learning in Digital Age (CELDA 2021). IADIS Press,

Felix Weber, Jana Kernos, Mae Grenz and Jueun Lee (2021). Towards a Web-Based Hierarchical Goal Setting Intervention for Higher Education, in Sampson, D.G., Ifenthaler, D., Pedro, I., Mascia, M.L. (Eds.), 18th International Conference on Cognition and Exploratory Learning in Digital Age (CELDA 2021). IADIS Press,

Felix Weber, Johannes Schrumpf and Tobias Thelen (2021). Development of a Digital Goal Setting Companion for Higher Education, Andrea Kienle et. al. (Hrsg.): Die 19. Fachtagung Bildungstechnologien (DELFI), Lecture Notes in Informatics (LNI), Gesellschaft für Informatik, Bonn 2021

Johannes Schrumpf, Felix Weber and Tobias Thelen (2021). A Neural Natural Language Processing System for Educational Resource Knowledge Domain Classification, Andrea Kienle et. al. (Hrsg.): Die 19. Fachtagung Bildungstechnologien (DELFI), Lecture Notes in Informatics (LNI), Gesellschaft für Informatik, Bonn 2021

Weber, F., (2019). Goal Trees as Structuring Element in a Digital Data-Driven Study Assistant, in Sampson, D.G., Ifenthaler, D., Pedro, I., Mascia, M.L. (Eds.), 16th International Conference on Cognition and Exploratory Learning in the Digital Age (CELDA 2019). IADIS Press, Cagliari, Italy, pp. 413–416.

Weber, F., (2019). Goal Setting, Self-Monitoring and Self-Regulation Guided by a Digital Data-Driven Study Assistant. In: Zender, R. (Hrsg.), Beiträge der Doktorandenkolloquiums zur DELFI 2019. Bonn: Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V..

Benedikt Valerian Ehinger, Petra Fischer, Anna Lisa Gert, Lilli Kaufhold, Felix Weber, Gordon Pipa, Peter König, (2014): Kinesthetic And Vestibular Information Modulate Alpha Activity During Spatial Navigation: A Mobile EEG Study, Frontiers in Human Neuroscience

Stefan Schneider, Ahmed M. H. Abdel-Fattah, Benjamin Angerer, Felix Weber, (2013) Model Construction in General Intelligence, 6th International Conference, AGI 2013, Beijing, China, Juli 31 – August 3, 2013 Proceedings         


Weber, F., Grenz, M., Kernos, J., Lee, J. (2023). The GoalTrees Hierarchical Goal-Setting Intervention for Higher Education. In: Ifenthaler, D., Sampson, D.G., Isaías, P. (eds) Open and Inclusive Educational Practice in the Digital World. Cognition and Exploratory Learning in the Digital Age. Springer, Cham.

Felix Weber and Tobias Thelen (2021), Characterizing Personal Educational Goals -Inter-rater Agreement on A Tagset Reveals Domain-Specific Limitations of the External Perspective,  Ifenthaler, D., Sampson, D. G., Isaias, P. (Eds.). Balancing the Tension between Digital Technologies and Learning Sciences. New York, NY: Springer.


Felix Weber, Katharina Schurz, Johannes Schrumpf, Funda Seyfeli, Klaus Wannemacher und Tobias Thelen (2021). Digitale Studienassistenzsysteme - Von der Idee zur Umsetzung im Projekt SIDDATA,
Bildung in der digitalen Transformation, GMW-Tagung 2021 Heinz-Werner Wollersheim, Marios Karapanos, Norbert Pengel (Hrsg.),

Felix Weber, (2018).  Practical Introduction to Eyetracking, Spring School of the Joint Exploratory Society for Cognitive Sciences, Ain Shams University, Cairo


Felix Weber, (2022). Hierarchical Goal Systems from an Ongoing Field Study with a Web-Based Goal-Setting Intervention for Higher Education 41. Motivationspsychologisches Kolloquium, Osnabrück 29.September - 1. Oktober 2022, Veranstalter: Marianne Schneider, Rosa Maria Puca, Ana Cristina Costa Castro, Zita Zeimer, Nina Graf-König & Angela Welther

Felix Weber, (2022). Breaking the Wall of Individual Higher Education, Falling Walls Lab Osnabrück, 26.Juli 2022, organized by Julius Schöning

Felix Weber, (2021). Eyetracking and EEG in Natural Learning Environments The 4th JeSICS School in Interdisciplinary Computing Studies (ICS), Ain Shams University Cairo and King Salman International University at Sharm El-Sheik, Prof. Dr. Kai-Uwe Kühnberger and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ahmed M. H. Abdelfattah (organizers)

Sebastian Osada, Felix Weber, (2019). SIDDATA – Individualization of Studies through Digital, Data-Driven Assistants, Talk given at the Workshop on Sustainability of Open Educational Resources at Osnabrück University.

Felix Weber, (2019).  Introduction to Eyetracking, Spring School of the Joint Exploratory Society for
Cognitive Sciences, Ain Shams University, Cairo


Weber, Felix; Schrumpf, Johannes; Dettmer, Niklas; Schurz, Katharina; Thelen, Tobias (2022): "Siddata Study Assistant Dataset from Prototpye 2.0",

Weber, Felix; Thelen, Tobias (2022): "Students' Educational Goals in Natural Language",

Weber, F., & Thelen, T. (2022). Hierarchical Goal System Diagram Comparison.


Weber, Felix; Dettmer, Niklas; Schrumpf, Johannes; Schurz, Katharina; Thelen, Tobias, 2022, "Siddata Study Assistant Dataset from Prototpye 3.0",


Felix Weber, (2022). Structural Characteristics of Hierarchical Goal Systems from Online Field Studies In: Ferstl, E., Konienczny, L., von Stülpnagel, R., Beck, J., and Zacharski, L., (Eds.) (2022) Proceedings of KogWis2022, the 5th Biannual Conference of the German Society for Cognitive Science. Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg, Freiburg, Germany, Sep. 5th-7th 2022. doi:10.6094/UNIFR/229611

Sarah Jähnichen, Mike Prentice, Falk Lieder, (2022). Does deliberate prospection help students set better goals? In: Ferstl, E., Konienczny, L., von Stülpnagel, R., Beck, J., and Zacharski, L., (Eds.) (2022) Proceedings of KogWis2022, the 5th Biannual Conference of the German Society for Cognitive Science. Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg, Freiburg, Germany, Sep. 5th-7th 2022. doi:10.6094/UNIFR/229611

Weber, F., Sindermann, M., Osada, S., Thelen, T., (2019). Towards a Comprehensive Taxonomy of Study Goals of University Students. Poster Sess. Present. EuroCogci 2019

Felix Weber, Rosa Maria Puca, (2018). Vibrotactile Displays as Learning Devices, Poster session presented at KogWis 2018, Darmstadt,  "Computational Approaches to Cognitive Science" 14th Biannual Conference of the German Society for Cognitive Science, Sep 3-6, 2018 C. Rothkopf (chair), D. Balfanz, R. Galuske, F. Jäkel, K. Kersting, J. Macke, & B.


OSNAHack 2021
Climate Hackathon 2021
AI for the Good 2019
CAT 2018
Hack4Health, RKI + IKW

MA Cognitive Science (2023) An Intelligent Tutoring System for Spaced Repetition of Dynamic Flashcards

MA Cognitive Science (2023) Vergleich der Benutzerfreundlichkeit unterschiedlicher visueller Darstellungen von hierarchischen Zielsystemen im Rahmen der Entwicklung eines digitalen Assistenten für die persönlichen Bildungszwecke von Studierenden und Erarbeitung entsprechender Optimierungsvorschläge

MA Cognitive Science (2023)  Motivational Priming as a Tool for Digital Goal-Setting Intervention in Higher Education: Effects on Goal Characteristics Related to Intrinsic Motivation

BA Cognitive Science (2023)  Multiclass Labeling: Predicting characteristic scores of educational goals with BERT

BA Cognitive Science (2021) Entwicklung einer Lernanwendung zu Ähnlichkeitsmaßen für Empfehlungsalgorithmen

BA Cognitive Science (2021) Implementation of a Learning Environment for Local Search Algorithms

BA Cognitive Science (2021) Smartphone Fitness Coach and Wrist-Worn Assistant - A Look at the Usability of Fitness Tracker Companion Apps

BA Cognitive Science (2021) Motivational Effects of Rankings in an Online Learning Environment

MA Cognitive Science  (2020) Using Convolutional Neural Network for Development of an Eye Tracking Application, Capable of Running on Mobile Devices

BA Lehramt  (2020) Effekte der hierarchischen Strukturierung individueller Studienziele auf das Selbstwirksamkeitserleben Studierender

BA Cognitive Science (2019) Entwicklung eines visuellen Werkzeugs zur Wissensorganisation im Studium

BA Lehramt  (2018) Erprobung einer taktilen Lernhilfe an Grundschulkindern mittels einer geografischen Gedächtnisaufgabe

BA Cognitive Science (2018)  The role of multisensory learning on memory performance – an investigation of tactile learning using the feelSpace belt

BA Cognitive Science (2018)  Directional differentiation in light of right-left weakness, gender, and visual field bias

BA Cognitive Science (2018) Habituation and sensitization to a tactile learning device in the example of a multimodal direction learning task

BA Psychologie (2017) Veränderung von positiver und negativer Valenz sowie Aufmerksamkeit auf eine taktile Lernhilfe zum Erlernen von Chinesisch-Vokabeln durch Gewöhnung über die Zeit

BA Cognitive Science (2017) Distraction by and Habituation to a Tactile Learning Device measured in Secondary Task Performance