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Christopher Klanke, Dipl.-Psych.

Tel.: +49 541 969-7707

Raum: 75/209
Institut für Psychologie
Lise-Meitner-Straße 3
49076 Osnabrück
Sprechzeiten: nach Email-Vereinbarung


Wintersemester 2024/25
Erstiwoche Psychologie
Initiative Kritische Psychologie


Seit 2013 Promotion zum Thema: Employer Branding and Strategic Personnel Marketing

Seit 2012 Studiengangsmanager am Institut für Psychologie, Universität Osnabrück

2009 - 2010 Postgraduate Study Abroad Program University of Sydney, Australien

2005 - 2012 Diplom-Psychologie an der Universität Osnabrück


Spiess, S.-O., Klanke, C., Lin-Hi, N., Hattrup, K. & Mueller, K. (submitted). Mediating mechanisms of the influence of cooperate social responsibility on affective commitment: The role of individual value orientation.

Fauth, T., Klanke, C., Straatmann, T. & Mueller, K. (in preparation). Employer Branding In Public Services: Development Of A Scale Based On Organizational Values.

Schumacher, S., Koßmann, C., Straatmann, T., Klanke, C., & Mueller, K. (2019). The role of paradox mindset in the context of organizational tensions. 19th Congress of the European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology, Turin, Italy.

Hofschröer, P., Schumacher, S., Wilgenbus, E., Klanke, C., & Hamborg, K.-C. (2019). Effects of qualifiers on response behavior: An eye-tracking experiment. 19th Congress of the European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology, Turin, Italy.

Kempen, R., Betzler, S., Haensse, L., & Klanke, C. (2019). Furthering sustainable consumption behavior of smartphones: the effect of photographic material and message framing. 19th Congress of the European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology, Turin, Italy.

Klanke, C., Müller, K. & Schmitt, L. (2018). Führungsfeedback in der Stadtverwaltung Mannheim. In W. Bundgard & I. Jöns (Hrsg.) Feedbackinstrumente im Unternehmen. 2. Auflage (S. 362-373). Wiesbaden: Springer Gabler Verlag. doi: 10.1007/978-3-658-20759-5_20

Klanke, C. Mueller, K., Kempen, R., Straatmann, T., & Schumacher, S. (2015). Employer Branding In Public Services- An Identity Based Instrument. 30th Annual Conference of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Philadelphia, USA.

Spiess, S.-O., Klanke, C., Mueller, K., Lin-Hi, N., Engel. A, & Seggewiss, B. (2013). Social identity and exchange as mediators of the corporate social responsibility affective commitment relationship: The moderating role of individual value orientations. 16th congress of the European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology, Münster, Germany.